My Personal Philosophy Essay

People develop and shape their personal philosophy during the whole life. Some circumstances may radically change our views, depending on our age, social status and personal qualities. As for me, at this stage of my life I can’t say it for sure that my personal philosophy is complete and well-shaped. In my research paper I want to express my views on several sides of human life. I’d like to attract attention to such concepts as sense of life and happiness, good and evil, morality and faith in God, love and death, eternal life values, karma and religion. I’ll answer the questions what love and happiness mean for me personally. I understand that the concept of life philosophy is really versatile and it’s hard to express personal views on so many aspects. That’s why my research deals with only those things which are important for me at this stage of my life. Continue reading

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Essay on The Value of Philosophy

It is impossible to underestimate the value of philosophy in the 21st century as well as many centuries early. Knowledge and methods provided by philosophy can be applied everywhere: in natural sciences, industry, economy, education, medicine, political science, psychology, culture and people’s everyday life. All ancient philosophers, such as Plato, Socrates, Aristotle and others were constantly involved in the discussion of the value of philosophy. Continue reading

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Essay: What is Plato’s Simile of the Cave? How is it Applicable to Contemporary Issues in Representation?

A philosopher, who still has followers 23 centuries after his death, can hardly be called ordinary. Plato inspired the sages of antiquity and the church fathers, medieval theologians and philosophers of the Renaissance, the great thinkers of the world – from Posidonius and Origen to Chaadaev and Heidegger. The father of idealism had an enormous impact on our whole philosophy, and even on our modern culture. Continue reading

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