In American modern society during last centuries prayers in schools became rather spread phenomena that is allowed and adopted by American in many schools. There can be different kinds of prayers that depend in majority on the type of school: prayer may be either be permitted or proscribed. The permitted prayer means that it can be a required activity or optional for students. Continue reading →
“because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth”
(2 Thessalonians 2:13)
Sanctification is an important part of Christian teaching. Being one of main doctrines of Christianity, sanctification it plays crucial role in the way to spiritual growth. Sanctification is a complex notion and very often it is misinterpreted. Right perception of the entire Christian teaching is not possible without the understanding of the concept of sanctification. Bible gives several definitions of the term sanctification. It defines it as follows: “The state of growing in divine grace; to set apart for holy purposes; the process of being made holy resulting in a changed lifestyle for the believer” (Hein, 52) Continue reading →